Add a Personal Touch with Customized Thank You Balloons
All the golden words, taught to the children in school, are unique in their own way. All the golden words (sorry, thank you, please, may I and excuse me) express a definite emotion such as sorry expresses apology while please expresses request. Similarly, ‘Thank you’ is a small word which expresses gratitude. Though the word ‘Thank you’ is a small word, the meaning of this small word is definitely much more than even the biggest things in this world. The greatest leaders of this world have always motivated everyone to express gratitude whenever possible. According to these leaders, the words of gratitude have such immense power that even the most impossible of tasks can be done with such a small word. Therefore, it is clear that the words of gratitude must be very important in life.
Thank you is a word that is told in different ways and languages but the inherent meaning of the words and the associated body language while telling the word remains the same. Therefore, whether you say thank you (English), gracias (Spanish), merci (French), danke (German) or hand over the beautiful thank you balloons; the meaning of the word and intention communicated through the body language would mean the same. This gesture of saying thank you even if you communicate by giving thank you balloons will have a rippling effect having long lasting benefits. Interestingly, the benefit would be enjoyed by both the parties – one who says thank you and the other who hears this special word of gratitude.
Some of the inevitable benefits of this small word ‘Thank You’ include:
- Thank You makes you Happier: a person tends to become happier both when he or she hears thank you and when he or she says thank you to someone. Some research conducted in the field relates this happiness to the reduction of depression among both the parties, thus enhancing the happiness.
- Thank you helps reducing other negative feelings from human mind: When someone says or hears thank you, the person automatically lets go of a number of negative feelings from the mind and starts appreciating and acknowledging the good gesture of the other person. Therefore, feelings of envy, regret or resentment and other such feelings are automatically reduced from the human mind.
- Thank you helps you deal with adversity better: Adverse situations have to be handled patiently. A kind gesture of saying thank you to the person who helps during the adverse situation would help you deal with adversity better since your mind knows there are people who would help you. Further, a thank you to the opponent can also bring down the levels of adversity too!
- Thank you helps in reducing stress: A thank you helps you relax and regulate your emotions in a better way. According to research, after a session of communicating gratitude, the heart rate seems to decrease and the person tends to become calm and comparatively less stressed.
- Thank you helps in enhancing self esteem: When the human mind says thank you, the human mind is appreciating and acknowledging the achievements and help of the other person rather than comparing himself or herself to that person. This way, the feeling of self esteem enhances due to the positivity within the human mind.
- Thank you helps you sleep: It has been scientifically proven that when the human mind makes a note of every event that the mind feels gratitude for just before sleeping, the person tends to sleep well and sleep longer. This is because when the mind acknowledges, the mind becomes calm and happy, thus relaxing the mind and making it ready to rest.
- Thank you helps you in becoming more resilient: When you are thankful to someone, you tend to acknowledge and appreciate the good gesture shown by that person. In a way you are trying to be humble to that person. This feeling of resilience has been scientifically found to help in lowering rates of stress disorder and become more calm and more peaceful within.
- Thank you helps you in becoming better managers: Managers are ought to be grateful. Therefore, saying thank you and becoming more appreciative of the other person’s work would help you become a better manager – a manager who is respected and loved by his or her employees.
- Thank you helps you in improving your relationships: Thank you helps in improving every relationship. A kind word of gratitude can show appreciation and acknowledgement of another person’s gesture. This would definitely improve the relationship of the person, including the relationship of love and friendship.
- Thank you helps you in improving your health positively: Since the mind is relaxed and stress free when you say those words of gratitude, your overall health is bound to improve positively.
While ‘Thank You’ is an important word, most of the time a gesture means a lot more than just the words. Therefore saying thank you by giving the thank you balloons would definitely be a hit!